Frederick, MD is an incredibly photogenic city beaming with history. My aim in this folder is to showcase it with, of course, my own artistic touch. Shoot me a message if you’d like prints or have an inquiry about using any of these. Thanks in advance! Keep your eye on this folder, as updates and additions occur frequently.

Baker Park tower.

Carrol Creek.

Fire hydrant on Patrick St. Color + BW.

Patrick St. alleyway.

Cool building on Patrick St.

Parking meter. Color + BW.

Mt. Olivet Cemetary. Watching over Francis Scott Key.

4th St. tranquility.

Brick sidewalk on 4th St. Color + BW.

John Hanson, First President of the Continental Congress, stands guard in front of Frederick County Courthouse.

Baker Park Tower. Taken w/ Canon EOS Rebel T3i.

Building. Downtown Frederick. Historic district. Taken w/ Canon EOS T3i.

Calvary United Methodist Church.

Coat of Arms, aka The State Flag.